
Hella Grip – Fatherland Signature JD GripTape

$20.00 $14.00

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JD is widely known as a French phenom, but his heritage actually stems from the small but incredibly biodiverse island of Madagascar. He wanted his signature sheet of Hella Grip to celebrate his connection to the magical island nation, so we took a blank sheet of our white griptape and blasted it with colorful Malagasy imagery. Madagascar’s official motto translates to “Love, Fatherland, Progress.” JD named his sig graphic the “Fatherland” sheet as an homage to this brilliant motto.

  • Premium Quality Silicone-Carbide Grit Formula-C
  • Aggressive Weatherproof Adhesive
  • Consistent High Slip Resistance and Durability
  • Easy Trimming Without Tearing
  • Sheet Measures 24.00 x 06.00 Inches
SKU: HGGT64FWJD Categories: , ,